I have the incredible opportunity to study abroad in New Zealand Winter 2011. It is a program through the education program at BYU. I am THRILLED for all the adventures to come :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fishing in the Ocean!

Kerry has always told us that all we need to do is say the word and he’d take us fishing. We finally found a day that worked, so he took, me, Anna, Jess, and Christine fishing today! Alexis came along, too, and caught her first two fish ever. She was so cute whenever she thought she had or really did have a fish.

The best part was, it was such a successful day for all of us!! Anna caught the first fish and it was so exciting for all of us. Kerry joked how none of the other fishermen needed their fish finders to know where to go because all they had to do was listen to the four of us screaming whenever any of us got anything. I caught one right after Anna—it was a great way to start off our fishing adventure! I’ve been fishing a few times before, but I have no distinct memory of catching anything, so this was a monumental moment. Likely my first fish!

For some reason we all thought it necessary to not only take normal pictures with our fish, but also kissy fish pictures. Classic.

It was also great because we really got into all aspects of the fishing—cutting up the little fish for bait, hooking our own bait, throwing the fish that were too small to keep back in the ocean. It was all quite the experience. Also quite a messy and smelly experience with all the fish guts and juices everywhere! All together we caught about 13 fish, but since the rules say you can’t keep any fish under 30 cm, we only kept 3.

The most exciting part was when Jess caught a MASSIVE fish…well, massive in comparison to the other ones we were catching. It was so big we had to use a net to get it into the boat! Now that I think about it, we really were loud. All the boats around us must of got a real kick out hearing all our squeals of fishing joy. Haha. I know Kerry surely did. ;) We are all so excited to eat up the fish fillets from our very own fish. I think we’ll all be fishing experts by the time we get back to the states. Yessss!

Kerry said it was probably about 6 lbs., around 2 feet long!

Even though we all didn't catch a fish this big, we still wanted to show it off ;)
Probably my favorite picture of the day. I think this is really how we all felt haha

And these are only some of them :)

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